Prepare to Excel

Choose the program that fits your needs

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Prep Course

The Insight Test Prep course is a 6-week program of instruction leading up to one of the ACT tests.  We will meet once a week, for 6 consecutive weeks.  Each session is 2 hours in length.  During each session, students will learn valuable strategies and then will complete drills to reinforce what they have learned.  At the end of the session, the students receive instructions on additional practice they will complete prior to the next session.  As students complete their assigned work during the week, they submit their results to us so that we can provide more feedback to them on how to continue to improve their performance.

What is included?

The Insight Prep Course includes:

  • 12+ hours of on-site instruction

  • Course workbook with 6 full-length ACT exams

  • Individualized feedback on all assigned work

  • Insight Study Guides


The cost of the Insight Test Prep course is $385.


Personalized ACT Tutoring

If you are looking for one-on-one tutoring, we do conduct private instruction, based on time availability. We will tailor our program to meet your specific needs. If a student needs to focus on particular sections of the ACT, we will design a plan to focus on those areas. Give us a call and we will discuss options for you and build a plan to fit your schedule.


The cost for private instruction is $60 per hour.


In-Home Group Course

If you are interested in hosting a group at a different location, such as a home or at a family business location, we would be happy to set up a course for you.  We ask that groups consist of at least 5 students.  Contact us today to set up a course for your group. 

We will design a program that meets the group’s needs and schedule demands. Contact us and let’s work out a plan.

We are very thankful for Jim’s program as our son scored well enough to receive full paid tuition scholarships.  This was his first time taking the ACT and he put in a lot of time doing the homework that was given, but it very much paid off and we couldn’t be happier!

-Brian and Amanda (Parents of Northridge High School student)

If you are ready to climb to new heights on the ACT, contact us now!!!